Saturday, April 14, 2007; Ms. Bucky (proudly announces) attend her first Claymate get together with some MNClayfans! Prior to this ocassion, she worshipped her idol from afar - her previous guardians never took her to a concert, or party event - and rarely allowed her to listen to any of Clay's CD's. But now that is a thing of the past! For those who were also in attendance, we watched proudly as Ms. Bucky lost her "clack virginity" as we introduced her to Clay's performance of Back For More at the Vermont JBT. (Yeah - you know the one-that's the one where he throws the mic stand down and tugs on his tie ferociously!)
However, Ms. Bucky was introduced to some other "habits" as well. Pictured below, PinkLady serves Ms. Bucky a glass of wine. Did anyone check on Ms. Bucky's age?
Those cracks in her head really come in handy!
By the end of the evening, Ms. Bucky has made many new friends and was clearly head over heals in love with Clay Aiken. Or is that heels over head??
Freaking genius!!!!
freaking stupid and lame...clay aiken are you kidding me ?ms bucky?wtf?i suggest all of you seek mental help, seriously.
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