Ms. Bucky has anxiously been waiting for the full announcement of Clay Aiken's Summer Tour. But what is going on? Where are the dates in the mid-west? Where is the Minnesota concert? What? He's not coming to his favorite city of St. Paul! This definately presents a problem. So what is Ms. Bucky supposed to do?
I know. Ms. Bucky will go on the road and find Clay - wherever he is!
Ms. Bucky announces HER summer tour: New York!
So, in the middle of July, Ms. Bucky will set out on a one week road trip following Clay Aiken around to several concerts: Syracuse, Canandaigua and Chatuagua, New York. Seats have been reserved (don't you think such a little rabbit should be able to get in for half price?) hotels have been reserved. Ms. Bucky is happy.
Then her travel agent called today and suggested. . . on the way home, why don't you swing down to Columbus, Ohio for another concert. What's a wabbit to do? Say "yes," of course!